Unlocking Smart Goals

Empowering students to thrive

Last semester I was coming in passing Chemistry Gen 1 and 2 so I thought organic chemistry was going to be an easy job for me. I quickly soon learn that wasn’t the case. I kept getting lazy and unmotivated to actually do some studying after class and avoided doing the extra work. So I ultimately had to drop the class. After experiencing that type of failure, my main goal this semester was to become a more disciplined and productive student to pass chemistry.
For this plan, I needed to do more research at first. I needed strategies to help me reach this goal. I found this book called Atomic Habits. This book had personal accounts from people that used strategies to help me become more productive. It also dives on habits that make you lazy and how to change them. The three strategies I used from the book were changing the little things, Building schedules(Goldilocks Rule), and using the two minute rule.
Changing the Little Things 
The first strategy: Changing the little things. The book goes into extensive detail on how to improve the little habits in your life can go a long way. For me it was the way I got early, change the environment when I’m studying and setting up as much tutoring sessions as possible . All those things made be more motivated to learn and succeed in that class.
Second Strategy: Goldilocks Rule. What that rule is working on tasks that aren’t too easy but not too hard. Right off the edge of my ability. They way I did this is my creating a schedule to work on these tasks.
Third Strategy: The Two Minute Rule: This rule states when you start a new habit it should start on it less than 2 minutes or less. This helped me remove by biggest problem, procrastination. The new habits I included compared to last year was going yo office hours more and setting up tutoring sessions.




This is how I tracked by goals throughout the semester. I took multiple pictures of my calendar and notes of class to show how productive I can be.
What I learned was if you want something you have to earn it. Planning, effort, and discipline all go into it. If you want to be the best version of your self you have to strive for it. With all of this I know have a passing grade in orangic chemistry this year.